Tag Archives: Morton

November 15, 2015


“I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.”
Psalm 16:7 (NRSV)

God doesn’t go off duty at sundown. The psalmist understands from experience that praise and gratitude are present-moment activities regardless of time of day or circumstances. Counsel and change of heart appear. Something astonishing happens when I take this seriously.

The “nowness” at the center of this verse grabs my attention. I know counting blessings is a better sleep aid than counting sheep, but wakefulness isn’t my real concern when I am frightened or stuck on a problem large or small. I crave reassurance and counsel now.

For example, early in my career I was at odds with a coworker over a project we were assigned. I don’t remember the details of the disagreement, but a confrontation loomed the next day. I wanted to be ready for it and began rehearsing what I wanted to say. I still couldn’t get to sleep and began remembering other middle-of-the night conversations with God that transformed something I was stewing about into a blessing.

On this particular night God reminded me that my coworker and I were on the same side and I should start the conversation next day with that piece of information.

Why was I sure this came from God? The unexpectedness of it. Such a notion hadn’t been on my radar. In light of previous unpleasantness it would take a bit of courage. But I did it.

What happened? Letting my coworker know at once that I valued her abilities completely defused the confrontation and set the tone for getting the best work out of each other. There were a few bumps and disagreements along the way but we were delighted and proud of the results.

I call that one more blessing to count next time. And I have.

God of the present moment, we give thanks for your counsel and instruction of our hearts whatever the hour, but especially on a sleepless night. Amen

What current worry awaits God’s transformation?

Written by Nancy Alice Morton

The Bridge is a collaborative ministry by four Downtown Des Moines churches. The Bridge Meditations are part of the ministry of The Bridge which is working to enrich the lives of those working, living and visiting downtown Des Moines. Programs developed by The Bridge offer spiritual formation and development, professional counseling, holistic health and family support. The Connection Cafe is a Bridge ministry which provides a free mid-day meal five days per week. The Connection Cafe is located at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (815 High Street) and is supported by many churches and civic organizations in its ministry. For more information, or to volunteer to help with The Bridge, The Connection Cafe or other Downtown Des Moines ministries contact Rob Hoover at 515-771-1481 or by email at theconnectioncafe@hotmail.com

September 20, 2015


The Meeting Place

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
James 4:8a (NRSV)

I’m drawn
to love so great
with thanks and humble heart,
renewed in God’s healing presence
with joy.

I’m drawn
where silence reigns.
A welcoming place for me
to listen, let go, be changed and
to change.

I’m drawn
to tell folks how
meeting God draws us in
community to love, to share,
to serve.

Writer’s note: This is a Cinquain, an American form of poetry in which each verse contains five lines of counted syllables, 2,4,6,8,2. The meditation is meant to be read aloud.

Written by Nancy Alice Morton

The Bridge is a collaborative ministry by four Downtown Des Moines churches. The Bridge Meditations are part of the ministry of The Bridge which is working to enrich the lives of those working, living and visiting downtown Des Moines. Programs developed by The Bridge offer spiritual formation and development, professional counseling, holistic health and family support. The Connection Cafe is a Bridge ministry which provides a free mid-day meal five days per week. The Connection Cafe is located at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (815 High Street) and is supported by many churches and civic organizations in its ministry. For more information, or to volunteer to help with The Bridge, The Connection Cafe or other Downtown Des Moines ministries contact Rob Hoover at 515-771-1481 or by email at theconnectioncafe@hotmail.com

July 19, 2015


A Touch of Healing

The big news is that the healing Jesus is coming. The people line up along the roadways and fill the marketplace. Everyone wants to get near enough to touch the edge of his cloak.*

Often when I reread a Bible passage I put myself back in that time and place, expecting to see something I overlooked previously in the story or the telling. This time it is easy to spot the regulars who have heard Jesus preach about God’s Kingdom and witnessed astonishing healings. Since printed handouts are centuries away, they personally invite friends, neighbors, and anyone who will listen. The crowd gathers seeking healing for themselves or someone they love.

The brevity of Mark’s report surprises me. He doesn’t waste words listing the ailments of body, mind, and spirit in the crowd. He has faith in Jesus to sort out exactly what is needed. I wonder? Do my prayers get bogged down with symptoms and scary diagnoses in instead of recalling God’s healing power at work? My thoughts fill with action words—cure, knit, mend, treat, create, recreate, restore, forgiveness, change, renewal, transformation, and wholeness.

The big news is the still the same in the 21st century. Geographical access far exceeds a roadside near the Sea of Galilee. The gospels writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John appear on the internet as well as in print. Jesus’ cloak now enfolds a community of believers who gather weekly in churches to meet him and share their experiences of God’s healing love. Touchable edges of the garment abound in towns, cities and rural areas of all sizes, everywhere two or three gather in Christ’s name.

*“And wherever he went into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.” Mark 6:56 NRSV

Healing Jesus, Help us wear the cloak of faith boldly so that the sick in body, troubled in mind, or discouraged in spirit are drawn to your presence. Amen

How will I be healed this week?

Written by Nancy Alice Morton

The Bridge is a collaborative ministry by four Downtown Des Moines churches. The Bridge Meditations are part of the ministry of The Bridge which is working to enrich the lives of those working, living and visiting downtown Des Moines. Programs developed by The Bridge offer spiritual formation and development, professional counseling, holistic health and family support. The Connection Cafe is a Bridge ministry which provides a free mid-day meal five days per week. The Connection Cafe is located at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (815 High Street) and is supported by many churches and civic organizations in its ministry. For more information, or to volunteer to help with The Bridge, The Connection Cafe or other Downtown Des Moines ministries contact Rob Hoover at 515-771-1481 or by email at theconnectioncafe@hotmail.com