Tag Archives: Kline

September 28, 2014


“Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness’ sake, O Lord!”
Psalm 25:7 (NRSV)

“Forget that I sowed wild oats; mark me with your sign of love. Plan only the best for me, God!”
Psalm 25:7 (The Message)

“Forgive the many times I have walked away from You, choosing to walk alone. With your steadfast love, once again, companion me along your way.”
Psalm 25:7 (Psalms for Praying)

It is always with delight, and sometimes trepidation, that we meditation writers review the lectionary readings for our assigned week. Occasionally we will turn to different translations for inspiration and insight.

Quite often The Message, a modern translation of the Bible by Eugene Peterson, paints a sassy and contemporary frame for a piece of traditional scripture. Nan Merrill’s Psalms for Praying is a dependable source of open-hearted and compassionate prayers based on the Psalms. The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) is a favorite translation for its clear, understandable English.

Today’s reading from Psalms led me to these three sources, and I couldn’t choose among them because they all grabbed me by the ear of my heart in slightly different, but significant, ways.

The sins of my youth! Cringe! I don’t want to go there.
…sowed wild oats! Ditto.
…walked away from You. Over and over and over again.

Though I do not like to be reminded of my faux pas, foibles, foul ups and fumbles, the Psalmist’s steady drumbeat tells me of steadfast love that is mine.

I am not just a sinner, but a forgiven sinner, beloved of the Lord. Whew!

Remember me, O Lord, not my embarrassing blunders. Amen

Where today can I remind myself to begin again?

Written by Robin Kline

The Bridge is a collaborative ministry by four Downtown Des Moines churches. The Bridge Meditations are part of the ministry of The Bridge which is working to enrich the lives of those working, living and visiting downtown Des Moines. Programs developed by The Bridge offer spiritual formation and development, professional counseling, holistic health and family support. The Connection Cafe is a Bridge ministry which provides a free mid-day meal five days per week. The Connection Cafe is located next to the YWCA on Grand Avenue and is supported by many churches and civic organizations in its ministry. For more information, or to volunteer to help with The Bridge, The Connection Cafe or other Downtown Des Moines ministries contact Rob Hoover at 515-771-1481 or by email at theconnectioncafe@hotmail.com

August 10, 2014


“Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?””
Matthew 14:31

Oh, Jesus. I hope that’s a rhetorical question.

Why do I doubt? I’m human; doubt is part of my rational mind.

Doubt plays a role in what I believe: I doubt, for instance, that I can walk on water. Common sense tells me so.

Paradoxically, doubt also plays a part in my faith formation, and is often the backdrop against which my faith shows up. Witnessing Nelson Mandela forgiving his captors and working for reconciliation in South Africa—something unimaginable, unbelievable, but true.

Doubt and faith are dance partners, not opposites.

My ever-evolving faith experience runs the spectrum from need-to-believe-in-what-is-tangible to inexplicable-reverence-for-precisely-what-I-do-not-understand-and-remains-Holy Mystery.

Jesus, forgive my faint heart. You know I both doubt in and trust you.

Spirit of Every Thing, help keep us steady when we balance doubt and faith. Amen

What do I witness today that bolsters my faith?

Written by Robin Kline

The Bridge is a collaborative ministry by four Downtown Des Moines churches. The Bridge Meditations are part of the ministry of The Bridge which is working to enrich the lives of those working, living and visiting downtown Des Moines. Programs developed by The Bridge offer spiritual formation and development, professional counseling, holistic health and family support. The Connection Cafe is a Bridge ministry which provides a free mid-day meal five days per week. The Connection Cafe is located next to the YWCA on Grand Avenue and is supported by many churches and civic organizations in its ministry. For more information, or to volunteer to help with The Bridge, The Connection Cafe or other Downtown Des Moines ministries contact Rob Hoover at 515-771-1481 or by email at theconnectioncafe@hotmail.com

July 6, 2014


“…the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard’… “
Matthew 11:19 (NRSV)

Drat! There I go again.”

In this very moment, as I sit down to write a reflection about our too-often, split-second harsh judgment of others, I recall how easily I fall prey to this bad habit.

Having just put down the morning newspaper, my mind is roiling with ugly thoughts about certain candidates in this year’s messy and sure-to-be-nasty political campaigns.

Having just taken my husband to the airport earlier this morning, I remember glancing with disgust at other travelers who aren’t dressed the way I think one should be to leave the house, let alone travel in public spaces.

Having just now spied a shirtless neighbor revving up his lawn mower, I think how he might do us all a favor by covering up his beer gut.

My interior self-talk reflects a sad resignation to the fact that, as Saint Paul complains, “I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”

Compassionate Presence, help us always to return to your example, and cast a loving gaze upon all we encounter. Amen

Today can I catch myself in fruitless judgment of others, and invite a change in attitude towards loving kindness?

Written by Robin Kline

The Bridge is a collaborative ministry by four Downtown Des Moines churches. The Bridge Meditations are part of the ministry of The Bridge which is working to enrich the lives of those working, living and visiting downtown Des Moines. Programs developed by The Bridge offer spiritual formation and development, professional counseling, holistic health and family support. The Connection Cafe is a Bridge ministry which provides a free mid-day meal five days per week. The Connection Cafe is located next to the YWCA on Grand Avenue and is supported by many churches and civic organizations in its ministry. For more information, or to volunteer to help with The Bridge, The Connection Cafe or other Downtown Des Moines ministries contact Rob Hoover at 515-771-1481 or by email at theconnectioncafe@hotmail.com